outside installation

1. Medienauswahl (liquid selection) 2. Aufstellungsort (installation selection) 3. Tankvariante (tank selection) 4. Tankgröße (size selection) 5. Tankausrüstung (equipment selection)

Please make a choice: What kind of tank?

Medium  wählen

storage tank
(950 L - 60.000 L)

storage tank<br />Freeland<br />(950 L - 60.000 L)

The Freeland single walled storage tank KTE-F is used for the storage of medias which are not hazardous to water: e.g. vegetable oil and water. The KTE-F is designed for outdoor installation. Characteristic is its single walled, cubic constru...

Medium  wählen

storage container
single walled
(10 ft. - 40 ft.)

storage container<br />single walled<br />(10 ft. - 40 ft.)

The Minotaur® storage tank container is a cubic, single-walled construction. It is integrated in an ISO-Container-frame and combines all advantages of the system in itself, which refers particularly to: transport - international ...

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